The ‘Real’ Rebel Defends Her Reputation

Defamation cases of the rich and famous find their way onto news outlets on a regular basis and their multi-million-dollar payouts generate much interest in this particular area of the law. A well-known defamation case in Australia was the Rebel Wilson vs Bauer Media 2017 case, where Australian Hollywood celebrity figure, Rebel Wilson, was targetedContinue reading “The ‘Real’ Rebel Defends Her Reputation”

Controversial Advertisements

Political advertising laws came into question during the 2018 Australian election Provide two examples of contested advertising material, and explain why they were controversial, and why they may or may not have been within the boundaries of the law HANESBRANDS BRAS 2018 In 2018 Hanesbrands Bras released an ad that didn’t go the way theyContinue reading “Controversial Advertisements”

Facebook Report 

-Owned by Mark Zuckerburg -Founded in 2004 -52,535 employees  -Started as a social networking site for easy connection with friends and family -Facebook created the like button -Facebook has 2.74 billion monthly users  -Third most visited website  -Facebook reaches 59% of the global social networking populations  -63% are male staff -57% facebook male, 32.4% facebookContinue reading “Facebook Report “

Creative Commons Blog Post

How does one obtain a Creative Commons license?  Four steps: Understand the license type  Become aware of key license considerations  Choose appropriate  Add license to your work, no need to register. What are the different types of licenses offered?  Attribution (CC BY): Allows others to distribute, remix, adapt and expand upon the work (even commercially)Continue reading “Creative Commons Blog Post”