The Development Process of CreativeWellbeingStudios

An Introduction to CreativeWellbeingStudios The benefit of my digital artefact CreativeWellbeingStudios is to implement positive lifestyle changes users and myself can employ in our everyday lifestyles through the form of digital art illustrations. I produce digital artworks to upload onto my Instagram, Pinterest, and Deviant Art page to reach out to potential followers. I includeContinue reading “The Development Process of CreativeWellbeingStudios”

Social media Provides Opportunities to Rebel Against Government 

The Future of Deepfakes  Future networks can be observed through the evolution of computer programs, the technology adapting to the modern economy and the improvements of mobile technology networks such as the evolution from 4G to 5G. However, due to the advancements of new computer programs, digital images and videos found on social media can now beContinue reading “Social media Provides Opportunities to Rebel Against Government “

CreativeWellbeingStudio Prototype

Background  The aim of CreativeWellbeingStudios to inspire users who want to start their own fitness journey and do not know to begin. My digital art illustrations posted to Instagram are also accompanied by photos or reels showcasing myself actively participating in the health/fitness routine I have chosen to do in that week. By doing soContinue reading “CreativeWellbeingStudio Prototype”

How Celebrities and Influencers are Changing the Network Society

Traditional celebrities to modern celebrities and centralised and decentralised networks The concept of the network society paradigm revolves around the idea that modern social structures are dependent on micro-based technologies to transmit data instantaneously. The network society paradigm is the result of information flow transmitted between mass communications, radio, television, mobile phones etc. I haveContinue reading “How Celebrities and Influencers are Changing the Network Society”

Introduction to CreativeWellbeingStudio (Pitch BCM206)

Latest Instagram Posts Project Outline I have tried multiple times to start my own YouTube channel which consisted of lifestyle vlogs and trying new skincare and cooking recipes. I believe that by making these videos I have developed a good understanding of the health and fitness community, as I have researched common myths and misleadingContinue reading “Introduction to CreativeWellbeingStudio (Pitch BCM206)”